Sports Capital Grants Earmarked for 2015
P.P.U.I. - 05/11/2014 - Programme to Run again in 2015 as Announced in the Recent Budget
Many clubs will be familiar with the Sports Capital Programme (SCP) as operated by the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport which provides grants to assist in the development of sports facilities and the provision of sports equipment throughout the country. In the past, many PPUI clubs have benefited from the programme, including six clubs in 2014. In the recent Budget announcement, it was estabished that the programme will run again n 2015.
As of last year, a new online system, called OSCAR (Online Sports Capital Register), is in place again and will continue into the future. Clubs and organisations are requested to register NOW if they wish to apply for funding under the Sports Capital fund in 2015. Many clubs will already have registered this time last year. Failure to register will mean that clubs or organisations will not be able to apply for funding under this measure in 2015.
The PPUI encourages all clubs to register now for the new online system under the Sports Capital programme. This will also be the only way to apply for grants under any future rounds of the Sports Capital Programme. The PPUI also encourages clubs to plan ahead for any capital developments so that they are 100% ready to go when the SCP is up and running.
Those that have applied or registered before will know that another change is that a Tax Registration Number (TRN) is required for all organisations wishing to register on OSCAR. The TRN is the unique identifier and user name for logging into the system. You need written confirmation of the TRN from the Revenue Commissioner prior to completing the registration process either in the form of a tax clearance certificate or a letter from Revenue confirming your TRN. It is not permitted to use the TRN of your national governing body, regional grouping or of a different organisation. If your organisation already has a tax clearance certificate, the TRN is in the top left hand corner of the certificate. Getting a TRN is simple if you don’t have one already and details are included in the information link below. Apply for it NOW so that you have it as soon as possible.
OSCAR will also allow groups to view previous grants and payments, change contact details, seek payment of a grant and otherwise communicate with the Department online.
Applications for funding are not currently being accepted and no decision has been made on the timing of the next round of the programme but clubs will have to be registered in advance in order to apply. Notification will be forthcoming following any further announcements.